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EXCLUSIVE: Veronica Jensen Webster to take up CEO position at GEBE.

veronicawebster27012016William Brooks has done it again

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VROMI Angel Meyers will be approaching the Council of Ministers on Thursday on the appointment of Veronica Jenson Webster as the candidate to take over the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position at GEBE. Jensen Webster a member of the Supervisory Board was requested to submit her resignation to the supervisory board in order to take on the new managerial position at the Government owned company.
SMN News learnt that William Brooks who was appointed temporary manager by the Supervisory Board was offered the position of COO but it is not yet known if Brooks will accept that position.
William Brooks was given a second chance at GEBE where persons within government and members of the supervisory board believed that he would have used his knowledge and competence for the betterment of the company, however, SMN News managed to obtain a letter that was sent to the Minister of VROMI informing of some of the decisions Brooks took without consulting with the board and instead of working in the interest of the company he took decisions that would benefit himself and relatives. One being hiring his brother to take on a senior position and then used some NAF50,000.00 to purchase a vehicle for his brother.
The supervisory board was especially peeved when they learned that Brooks took it upon himself to remove the seniors from the list where they were supposed to get a relief. The supervisory board was forced to put the seniors back on the list since the board feels that the country’s elderly must get some sort of reduction from their energy bills.
A copy of the letter sent to the Minister is beneath this article for our readers to get a clearer view as to some of the things the temporary manager of GEBE has done within a short period while ignoring all of the orders that were given to him by the supervisory board and the shareholder.

Click here to read the report sent to the Minister of VROMI on the performance of GEBE Temporary Manager.

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