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25 Years of the Black History Celebration in St. Martin.

omarjohnson16022016MARIGOT/GREAT BAY:--- The 25th anniversary of the island-wide Black History Celebration is in its third week of February events and activities, said Shujah Reiph, president of Conscious Lyrics Foundation (CLF).
The CLF-organized radio readings that annually celebrate history-making personalities, ideas, events, places, and a range of ongoing developments make up the daily stream of the island’s Black History Month activities. The readings are broadcasted from Monday to Friday on SOS radio, 95.9 FM, at 7:45 AM, 2:45 PM, and 4:45 PM. “Each reading is aired for only five minutes but what a wealth on inspiring information,” said Reiph.
Upcoming readings, voiced by educator Marie Richardson, “will focus on historical and cultural personalities and issues of St. Martin, North and South, that are not usually covered systematically in the curricula on either part of the island,” said Reiph.
To date the five-minute readings have covered issues ranging from biographical bytes, the structure of languages and decision-making in the Caribbean, to self-esteem building in Black boys, said Reiph. The brief readings thus far were taken from the biographies or writings of CLR James, George Padmore, Carlos Cooks, Mervin Alleyne, and Jawanza Kunjufu.
The theme of the Black History Celebration 2016 is “Living History.” “The theme is also integrated into the annual Black History Celebration Lecture, which is the highpoint of the month of activities,” said Reiph. CLF speakers, including Reiph, are also invited to speak at schools, churches, and civic organizations about historical subjects throughout February.
On Saturday, February 20, the 25th annual Black History Celebration Lecture is scheduled at the University of St. Martin, starting at 8pm. The guest speaker is Dr. Umar Johnson, a renowned clinical psychologist and Pan-Africanist, said Reiph.

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