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Justice Ministry busy preparing protocol on how joint controls should be carried out --- Nature Discount Kitchen Closed.

eddisonkirindongo27012016Immigration Officers had to shackle female Employee at Maho due to her disorderly behavior.

PHILIPSBURG: --- The Ministry of Justice is busy preparing a protocol on how joint controls should be conducted confirmed Minister of Justice Edison Kirindongo when asked about the investigation regarding the controls that were conducted at MAHO Hotel.
The Minister of Justice also confirmed that the immigration officers had to shackle an employee who had no form of identification on her when they visited the establishment. Minister Kirindongo said the reported stated that the employee acted in a disorderly manner leaving the controllers with no other choice but to restrain her and take her to IND where they established her working and living status on the island.
Two weeks ago, controllers controlled MAHO hotel where they closed down the POINT restaurant for insanitary conditions, they closed the door of a casino temporarily until management produced their business license and they also controlled some of the guests due to complaints filed by workers who were victimized by the management of MAHO Group of Companies. After the controls were conducted management of MAHO contacted several politicians and government where they levied all sorts of complaints. Management of MAHO also chose to write several letters to government accusing the controllers of misuse of power. These accusations prompted Prime Minister William Marlin to suspend the controls temporarily until clarity could be given by the department heads. However, the head of the inspectorate and the Minister of VSA Emil Lee made clear in a press release that the joint controls will continue.

On Friday the controllers  conducted a joint control at Nature’s Discount on Cannigieter Street. The kitchen area of the establishment was closed by the department of Economic Affairs because their business license did not state that they are allowed to prepare food to sell.
Nature Discount belong to former Member of Parliament Jules James.

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