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Gypsy driver robbed of his vehicle.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last Friday 26th of February 2016 a gypsy driver was robbed of his 2004 light blue colored Hyundai Atos with the license plate M-6099 around 08:30 in the area of Pelican Key by three young men. According to the driver these men stepped into his vehicle in Philipsburg and when they arrived to their destination in Pelican Key he was threatened and robbed of his cell phone, wallet and his vehicle. Police detectives are investigating this case.

KPSM Police Report.

Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x


Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x