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Minister receives first edition Fiscal Law book 2016 from PwC.

rgibsonpwc09030216First edition of PwC’s fiscal law book 2016 has been presented to Minister Richard Gibson

PHILIPSBURG:---- Today, PwC presented its latest publication of the Fiscal Law book 2016 "Fiscale Wetgeving 2016" to the Minister of Finance of St. Maarten, Mr. Richard Gibson. The Minister received the publication from the hands of by Paul van Vliet, Director of PwC Dutch Caribbean.Philipsburg, Monday 7 March 2016 – Today, PwC presented its latest publication of the Fiscal Law book 2016 "Fiscale Wetgeving 2016" to the Minister of Finance of St. Maarten, Mr. Richard Gibson. The Minister received the publication from the hands of by Paul van Vliet, Director of PwC Dutch Caribbean.

Every year, PwC Dutch Caribbean publishes an overview of current and relevant tax laws of Aruba, the BES islands, Curaçao and St. Maarten. Meanwhile, this is the 9th edition of the law bundle that PwC issues.

“In the budget of St. Maarten a considerable amount is estimated towards tax incomes. This clearly indicates how significant tax laws are. It is therefore crucial to be aware of these laws. In our local market many entrepreneurs, investors and individuals operate in several parts of the Kingdom in The Caribbean. With all the annual changes it is a challenge even for tax experts to have knowledge at hand of all applicable tax laws in our region”, according to Paul van Vliet. “There is a large demand for an accurate summary of the applicable tax laws and regulations within the region. With the publication of an annual up-to-date edition of “Fiscale Wetgeving”, we try to meet this demand. In addition, sharing knowledge with our clients and society is an important objective within our organization. The annual publication –which is also available online, free of charge- fits this objective well”, says van Vliet.

The main changes to the tax laws and international regulations are included in the latest publication. The tax changes for St. Maarten relate to the introduction of the new Criminal Law code (Nieuwe Wetboek van Strafrecht). For Curaçao, this includes the implementation of the new “Belastingregeling Nederland Curaçao”, the establishment of a second court and the National Ordinance in international assistance in the field of tax levies. The recent changes for Aruba discusses the fulfilment of the income tax declaration system. The Fiscal Law book 2016 also includes many more small changes for each island, including shifts in various tables. Finally, the book also

PricewaterhouseCoopers St. Maarten, Emmaplein Building, P.O. Box 195, Philipsburg, St. Maarten
T: +(721) 542 2379, F: +(721) 542 4788,

summarises the growing number of treaties between the countries within the Kingdom of the
Netherlands and at international level.

The paperback edition of the law book can be obtained from the PwC offices in St. Maarten, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. For more information or for placing orders please call +1-721 5422379. In addition to the pocket edition there is also an interactive digital version available. This document can be downloaded for free from the PwC website (

PwC in the Dutch Caribbean dates back over 75 years. More than 170 people work together out of our offices in St. Maarten, Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire. At PwC Dutch Caribbean, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 208,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at

1. PwC refers to the Dutch Caribbean member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network.
Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
2. For more information, please contact: Paul van Vliet, phone: +1-721 542 2379, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Hanneke Harmsen, phone: +599 (9) 4300189, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3. We are now live on facebook and linkedIn. Please follow us on and pwc-dutch-caribbean

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