PHILIPSBURG:--- Prisoners at Pointe Blanche Prison claimed that they have been getting sick with no doctors attention and the sole cause of their stomach aches and pains are coming from the expired goods they are forced to purchase at the prison canteens. The prisoners whose relatives contacted SMN News said everything that is sold at the canteen is expired. Milk, corn flakes, the soups and chips.
SMN News managed to obtain photos and a video of the cup noodles that are sold at the prison canteen that has live maggots crawling inside when the prisoners purchase it. The soup and Lays chips is sold for NAF.1.25 but many prisoners who purchased these expired food items did not take a good look at what they were buying and eating. Just recently prisoners who began feeling sick decided to look closer at the foods they are being fed and sold. Inside the cup noodles there are live maggots and cobweb. While the Lays chips that are sold to the prisoners are expired. The latest expiry date on the chips that SMN News received was March 2016.Besides that the relatives of several prisoners said that the prison have been violating basic human rights of the prisoners and something must be done about the issue. They feel that while their relatives committed crimes they are being punished twice, one being they are condemned to serve time while they are fed rotten foods that can eventually kill the prison inmates. “It seems to us that the prison management have been executing capital punishment “death sentence” by slowly poisoning the inmates at the prison by selling them expired food.”
SMN News tried contacting the Prison management for a comment on the expired items that are being sold to the prisoners but the prison director Edward Rohan could not be reached.