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Young aspiring engineer Josiah Arnold receives assistance from MP Marlin-Romeo.

lrmarlinjosiah05052016PHILIPSBURG:----  Josiah Arnold an extraordinary student of St. Dominic High School, has been chosen as the recipient for the month of May give back to the community program.

Josiah Arnold graduated from St. Dominic High where he took subjects that helped build his foundation in marketing. However his dream is to become an automotive engineer, therefore he's continuing his education at St. Dominic, where he is currently taking physics and advanced mathematics.

The young aspiring engineer caught the attention of Member of Parliament (MP) Leona Marlin Romeo as he has been performing at the top of his class throughout his primary and secondary education, and once indicated to her of his interest in studying quantum physics.

Both parents do not have the Dutch nationality and this limits his chances to further his studies abroad and become an engineer. MP Marlin-Romeo assisted by ensuring once Josiah Arnold turned 18 he was able to obtain the Dutch nationality through the option procedure and most recently Josiah obtained his Dutch passport.

This assistance will give Josiah Arnold the possibility of furthering his studies abroad. There are many students who are born on Sint Maarten of non-national parents and find themselves in a predicament in pursuit of their tertiary education, especially those who are residing on the island illegally, MP Leona Marlin-Romeo pointed out.

The Member of Parliament urges all parents to legalize not only their status, but that of their children. This will facilitate future opportunities, stated Member of Parliament Leona Marlin Romeo.

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