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Minister of Education Jacobs Back to School Message.

silveriajacobs14082016GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education Silveria Jacobs wishes all students, teachers, management and staff of schools as well as parents and guardians of students a successful school year as they return to school on Monday August 15th, 2016.
“A new school year is an opportunity to be a new you, to put old, bad habits behind you and to be motivated from day 1 to be the best you can be.

“Set your goals high and work hard to achieve and surpass them in 2016/2017. Listen, and work with your teachers, parents and peers, who are trying to help you to the next level.

“Parents, you have an important role to play as a support, encouragers, and pushers to help them succeed. Your collaboration with your children's educators will guarantee a win for all concern.

“Teachers, management and staff, God bless you all as you work tirelessly to get our students to the next level. You are the heart and soul of our education system, without whom we could not have the successful students that we do.
“We face many challenges and many innovations are needed and are in the process, and we thank you for all you do despite all challenges that you face. You can make a difference, pledge to make a positive impact on the children entrusted to your care.

“It is an awesome and rewarding responsibility. Parents, Teachers and students working together will secure success for our students. Give it your all!!!”

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