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Shooting incident in Pointe Blanche Prison has concerns of the COM and Society --- Marlin.

pointeblancheprison02062012PHILIPSBURG:--- Asked by SMN News to react to the early morning shooting that took place in the Pointe Blanche house of detention Prime Minister William Marlin said he did not have much official information on the incident. Marlin said on his way to work he heard from the head of Government Security that there was a shooting at the Prison and someone lost their life and the A-Team from KPSM was on their way to the prison to assist with the investigations.
He said he called the prison prior to attending the Council of Minister's press briefing but he did not get a clear answer from the Prison management. Marlin said he also heard and got indications as to who the victim is but he would not indulge in rumors but would wait until he gets official information on the shooting.
Marlin said just recently the Minister of Justice Edison Kirindongo sought the approval of the Council of Ministers to use the K-9 brigade at the Pointe Blanche Prison and not long after the Minister reported to the council that the K-9 brigade proved to be a useful because they managed to find cellular phones at the prison during random search.
The Prime Minister said that it is of concern to the council what is taking place at the house of detention and they always have to ask themselves how do cellular phones and firearms get inside the prison. He said he prefer the Minister of Justice to address the issue, he made clear he is not running away from the current situation but the situation at Pointe Blanche prison should have everyone concern. He said this is not the first time there are incidents such shooting and stabbings. He promised that as soon as more information is available it will be sent to the media.

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