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Our Land Matters held its first rally.

ourlandmatters05102016Marigot:--- The Our Land Matters initiative held its first rally on October 2, 2016 in the Boo Boo Jam area. The rally was a mixture of speakers calling citizens of Saint Martin to unite and stand for their rights. Echoing at what was once an area for locals to congregate and enjoy Saint Martin was the need to re-open Boo Boo Jam Saint Martin style. The rally drew a large crowd that listened keenly to the words of local activists, grass root Saint Martiners and long-standing Boo Boo Jam patrons who are concerned about what is taking place on their beloved island. The organizers of the rally would like to thank all that contributed to this event, especially the following persons: Mr. Julo Charville and the Hope party, Mr. Louis Mussington and the MJP party, Mr. George Greaux of Caribbean Liquors, the Collectivite de Saint Martin (tent), Mr. Arthur Hunt of Rent a Sound, Mr. Don Frostin, Mr. Walton Holiday of EZ promotions, Mrs. Daniella Jeffrey, Mr. Raymond Helligar, DJ Ruby, the Bologne Band, Mr. Loic Artsen (IA Comfort Restrooms), Control Band, DJ Terry, Cani-TV, MSR TV, and RFO. Also a big thank you to the community of Saint Martin/Sint Maarten for standing for this cause. Our Land Matters will next schedule our next event “Billboard Selfie Saturday and BBQ” shortly.

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