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Minister of Culture Jacobs commends Artist Tes Verheij on the opening of a new larger gallery.

sillyjacobs08102016PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Culture Silveria Jacobs was a guest at the Art Exhibit and Auction of artist Tes Verheij commemorating the opening of her new larger space in the Old Street. Making progress in the art world requires much talent, discipline and in this case a growing number of students who take lessons with the artist.

Tes Verheij had to make the move to a larger space to accommodate her 100 students whose work were on display. Minister Silveria Jacobs was quite impressed by the artwork displayed and commended the art teacher for sharing her craft with the children of St. Maarten and nurturing them to become artists in their own rights.

The Minister of Culture pledged to continue to seek ways to bring art to more children and youth on St. Maarten through schools and after school programs. Additionally, Minister Jacobs seeks to collaborate with local and international artists to come up with a viable and sustainable art program.

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