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Major searches at El Captain, Le Petit Chateau and at Etienne Toochie Meyers home. (UPDATED)


Etienne Toochie Meyers.

Etienne Toochie Meyers and manager detained Dulcia Florentina --- Two of Four suspects tried escaping to Anguilla, Police take the two suspects off a boat en route to Anguilla.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A major search took  place at two brothels namely El Captain and Le Petit Chateau and the home of Etienne Toochie Meyers  located in the Sucker Garden early Monday morning. Both brothels belong to Meyers. According to information reaching SMN News detectives shackled Etienne Toochie Meyers and his by side and manager Dulcia Florentina. The arrest came after the searches were conducted.  Dulicia Florentina is one of the managers of the adult entertainment clubs while she has a child with Etienne Meyers. Two other suspects were also arrested while trying to escape from St. Maarten.

According to information reaching SMN News states that several law enforcement officers, prosecutor and the judge of instruction were at the scenes searching the brothels and the home. However, two of the suspects one of whom ran on the USP list for the September 26th parliamentary election Louella Rog, the manager of Le Petit Chateau and the fourth suspect tried to flee the island by going to Anguilla. SMN News learned that police worked swiftly and manage to remove the two suspects from a boat that were ready to depart St. Maarten en route to Anguilla.
Spokesman for the Prosecutors Office Gino Bernadina confirmed that the searches are taking place at the moment under the guidance of the judge of instruction and Prosecutor. 

Searches and arrests made in Pompei investigation.


Confiscated items on the Pompei Investigation.

Officers of the Kingdom Detectives Cooperation Team, RST, assisted by members of the St. Maarten Police Force (KPSM), the Dutch Royal Marechaussee and the National Detectives Agency held searches on November 1, 2016, at the brothels El Capitan and Petit Chateau including secondary offices. The searches were the result of a lengthy investigation by the RST code named “Pompei”. The searches were led by four Prosecutors and in the presence of an Investigative Judge.

The suspects E.R.M. (65, owner of the brothels), D.F. (54, manager of El Capitan), L.M.A.R. (50 managers of Petit Chateau) and R.L.R. (47, assistant to the management) were arrested in connection with illegal possession of firearms, human trafficking (exploitation), illegal employment and human smuggling. E.R.M.’s house was also searched.

Documents, a firearm, and digital data carriers were confiscated. Also, a total of 29 women from the Dominican Republic and Colombia were present. The majority did not have valid permits. They will be handed over to the immigration authorities to be deported.

In connection with efforts to recover proceeds of crime five cars, two boats, four trucks, one backhoe, watches and cash money were confiscated. After all, crime does not pay. In the meantime, the Chief Prosecutor asked the Minister of Justice to take into consideration to close the brothels by suspending their business licenses.

Doorzoekingen en arrestaties in onderzoek Pompei.

Vanmorgen, 1 november 2016, hebben er doorzoekingen plaatsgevonden in de bordelen van El Capitan en Petit Chateau te St. Maarten (en de bijbehorende kantoren). Deze doorzoekingen zijn het resultaat van een langdurig opsporingsonderzoek van het Recherche Samenwerkingsteam (RST) te St. Maarten, dat de naam 'Pompei' draagt.

Bij de doorzoekingen krijgt het RST assistentie van het Korps Politie Sint Maarten (KPSM), de Koninklijke Marechaussee en de Landsrecherche. De doorzoekingen vinden plaats onder leiding van de rechter-commissaris en vier officieren van justitie.

De verdachten E.R.M. (65, eigenaar van de bordelen), D.F. (54, manager van de El Capitan), L.M.A.R. (50, manager van Petit Chateau) en R.L.R. (47, management assistent) zijn aangehouden in verband met vuurwapenbezit, mensenhandel (uitbuiting), illegale tewerkstelling en mensensmokkel. De woning van E.R.M. is ook doorzocht.

Onder meer zijn administratie, een vuurwapen en digitale gegevensdragers in beslag genomen. Tevens zijn in totaal 29 vrouwen uit de Dominicaanse Republiek en Colombia aangetroffen. Het merendeel beschikte niet over geldige verblijfspapieren. Zij zullen worden overgedragen aan de immigratiedienst om te worden uitgezet.

In verband met het afpakken van crimineel vermogen zijn er ook vijf auto’s, twee boten,
4 vrachtwagens, één graafmachine, horloges en contant geld in beslag genomen. Misdaad mag niet lonen.

De hoofdofficier van justitie heeft inmiddels de Minister van Justitie in overweging gegeven om de bordelen te sluiten door de vestigingsvergunningen voor de beide bordelen te schorsen.

Press Release Prosecutor's Office

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