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DP leader asked Minister of EYS to reconsider solutions for Lionel Conner School

sarahwescotwilliams10072016PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the Democratic Party and Member of Parliament Sarah Wescot Williams has dispatched a letter to the Minister of Education asking her to reconsider the temporary solution she is using for the Lionel Connor School since she saw some of the comments that are made by parents on social media and also since she was invited to visit the school. The letter sent by Wescot Williams is below:

To: The Minister of Education,

The honorable Silveria Jacobs
St. Maarten

November 4, 2016

Dear Minister,

With due consideration for you public statements regarding the situation at the Leonard Conner Primary school and your ministry's efforts to facilitate a coordinated solution, it appears that parents and teachers are far from convinced that the government's measures are adequate. This is evident from the many reactions on social media, as well as an invitation to me to visit the school and experience first-hand what the situation is at the school.
I suggest that you urgently revisit the measures employed until now, such as the masks etc. and not reopen the school until parents, teacher's and your ministry's staff are convinced that no (further) health risks exist.
Please consider a temporary relocation, until the situation at the primary school in Cape Bay can be thoroughly investigated and hopefully remedied.
I also request that you keep Parliament abreast and informed of all developments at aforementioned school as this, in my opinion, is serious and potentially hazardous to not only the school but the entire neighborhood.


Sarah A. Wescot-Williams, Member of Parliament (DP)

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