Minister of VROMI Christopher Emmanuel (file photo)
Minister Emmanuel said shortly after taking office he along with the Prime Minister had to immediately pause some road works due to traffic congestions. He made clear that some decisions that has to be taken by the Ministry would not be nice but that is what the situation is right now and St. Maarten is a growing country. Emmanuel said he knows that everyone is more concerned about the garbage situation and waste to energy but when one looks at the traffic situation is also alarming. He called on road users to be very vigilant since there are too many road accidents these past months.
Emmanuel said on Tuesday that some professionals addressed him and the staff of VROMI of some of the plans they have and want to implement to elevate the traffic. Emmanuel stressed that hard decisions will be taken with regards the collection of garbage and the people should be prepared for it. The new Minister said he intends to meet with the department heads and other personnel in order to solve the problems the country is facing.