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EXCLUSIVE:-- Chairman of GEBE Board wants Management Board to take decision on rehiring of Steve Duzanzon.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Chairman of GEBE Supervisory Board Roy Marlin dispatched an email to the Management Board around 5:30 am on June 2nd requesting that the managing board take a decision on rehiring Steve Duzanzon whom he stated in his email have been trying to get re-employed by the company for 8 to 9 months now. Marlin in his email to the management board states that he is aware that the Minister of VROMI Christopher Emmanuel is against the re-hiring of Duzanzon but he wants to remind the managing board that is not the Minister’s prerogative but that of the management board.
According to the email which was copied to all members of the supervisory board, it states that Duzanzon did not steal from the company but was forced to make a settlement agreement by the former Managing Director Mr. Maduro.
Marlin continued to state that he is not asking the Managing Board for any favors but is asking the management board to take decisions in the interest of the company since Duzanon has a vast amount of knowledge, especially with the new meters. He made clear that the management board should take a decision and inform him as well as Steve Duzanzon. In an invited comment Marlin said he did absolutely nothing wrong by asking the management board to take a decision and inform Mr. Duzanzon on the company’s decision because Mr. Duzanzon has been calling him at least two to three times a week. He said Duzanzon have been calling GEBE management team and no one at the government-owned company is taking his calls. He made clear that the former management simply wanted to get rid of Duzanzon and that is the reason they entered into a settlement.
Asked by SMN News if he as chairman of the Supervisory Board ever brought this matter up in their meetings and if any decision was taken on the matter, Marlin said he did discuss the matter several times in board meetings but the Supervisory Board never took a real decision on the matter, thus he felt it was necessary to request the management board to resolve the situation as to whether or not Duzanzon will be considered or not.

Click here to read the email sent by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

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