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Ambulance Department acquires a new Zumro 600 rapid mobile emergency shelter including operational equipment.

zumru26062017PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ambulance Department of Ministry Public Health, Social Development & Labor received a new Zumro 600 rapid mobile emergency shelter just in time for HUREX 2017 drill.
The ZUMRO shelters are used by numerous Disaster Management Teams across the USA including Europe for Urban Search & Rescue Task Force.
This multi-purpose usage system is an ideal rapid mobile shelter that provides rapid deployment that would create an environment in times of disasters that is conducive to advance medical treatment in the field of Emergency Medical Services. Minister Emil Lee was present to get a first-hand demonstration of the capabilities of this shelter and how quickly this shelter can be deployed from Hazmed representative who presents.

The ZUMRO frame design can be deployed from one inflation point by one person, if necessary and the shelter deployment is rapid, virtually automatic and hands-free. It can be deployed at a rate of 100 square feet per minute or faster, depending upon which inflation method is used. “It’s amazing to see how quickly this shelter can be erected within a timeframe of approximately 4 minutes. It is truly an added asset to the Ambulance Department in the area of Disaster Management given the department’s key role in the initiation of emergency medical response in disaster situations”, said Minister Lee.
Ambulance Department Head Mr. Cylred Richardson says that this project has been long in the making and that he is pleased that we were able to reach this goal.
Furthermore, besides proper preparedness to provide adequate emergency response and management at a disaster scene and post natural disaster e.g. following hurricanes this mobile shelter system can also be used at various small & large scale events on the island as a medical command post. This is yet another positive achievement in the further professionalizing of the Ambulance Department on St. Maarten.
HAZMED representative Hay Geurts says that this emergency shelter can resist strong force winds. The material is made of special heat reflecting fiber. Most importantly, is that the tent can be erected in 4 to 5 minutes by one person. It is easily inflated by an air blower unit or air bottle from the Fire Department.

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