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Minister Henrietta Doran-York addresses 2017 arriving Sint Maarten students to The Netherlands

doranyorkstudents01082017THE HAGUE:--- On Monday, July 31st, 2017, Minister Doran-York addressed the 34 Sint Maarten students after their in The Netherlands.
The same as last year, the Minister saw to it that the Cabinet was well represented while forming part of the welcoming team at the Airport.
Also present from the Cabinet were Deputy Minister Hasani Ellis, Cabinet Director Irene Simmons along with other members of the Cabinet waiving the Sint Maarten's Flag as the students exited the arrival hall.
Minister Doran-York addressed the students during an introductory meeting at the Steinberger Hotel, where they were transported to, immediately after their arrival.
The Minister and her staff are looking forward towards officially welcoming the students to the Cabinet upcoming Friday, August 4th where they will be addressed by Deputy Minister Hasani Ellis.
Below is the text of the address of the Minister Plenipotentiary Henrietta Doran-York to the students on Monday.

"First of all, I would like to thank the organizing body of this event, the USC, (Unified Sint Maarten Connection) for the invitation to address you here today. At the same time, I also wish to congratulate them for the hard work put into seeing that the arriving students are taken care of in proper manner and that all goes well while they settle in here in The Netherlands.
On behalf of myself as Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten, Deputy Minister Hasani Ellis, Director of the Cabinet Irene Simmons, and the entire staff of the Cabinet, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to The Netherlands.
As was also the case last year, I came out again today with all the members of my Cabinet, in order to give you the welcome that you so very much deserve, and to encourage you to pursue your studies with great confidence and determination, when the road is smooth, as well as when it becomes rocky and turbulent.
The Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten, known as the Sint Maarten House, consists of professionals, who will always be there to assist you whenever this is necessary, upon your request.

I would like to congratulate you on your achievements thus far, and commend you as you embark on this journey of higher learning, which in the years ahead will determine the path of your career, and will definitely leave its mark.

Myself, and I can vouch for everyone else in this room, are extremely proud of you. And you should be very proud of yourselves as well.
You have now decided to spread your wings and soar to higher heights. You are at the beginning of a complete new challenge. You have chosen to further your study in The Netherlands.
When taking up residency here in The Netherlands, you will also be getting to know the Country, meet the people, make new friends, while adapting to a complete different lifestyle, than that which you were accustomed to at home. You are probably asking yourselves questions like; “Will I fit in? Will I really be able to succeed, being so very far away from home? What will my living environment be like? Who will be my neighbors? As with most previous students, we are convinced that you will be able to fit in quite easily, and in such a manner that your studies will not be hindered in any significant way.
As you embark on this new journey, there is a lot that is expected from you, by first of all your parents, then your family and friends, as well as our Government. To see you succeed, is everyone’s main interest. This of course is what you aim for also.
You may encounter some frustrations and challenges, which can lead to disappointments, but as with most things in life, this comes with the territory, and with great effort, discipline and determination, you will overcome them.
You may also encounter great opportunities, once you pursue them. It is therefore that I say to you, be always ready to handle both the frustrations and the opportunities when they present themselves.
Haven left the comfort of your parents’ home, you will suddenly find yourself with what may be termed as NFF. “New Found Freedom”. Handle this freedom wisely or your will not make it.
Manage your time well. Choose well with whom you associate. Stay away from negative company. Stay close to those who inspire you in a positive manner. Stay away from illegal drugs and do not use alcohol in an excessive manner. Don’t procrastinate. Execute the expected tasks right away, instead of postponing, in order for you to gain time, in case of an emergency.
Avoid risky behavior. Manage your intimate relationships well and in a responsible manner. This goes for both male and female students. Reckless behavior, can cause you to contract illnesses, which can sometimes be incurable and in some cases even lead to death.
Another very important factor, which cannot be stressed upon enough, is that it is of extreme importance that you manage your budget properly. We will be offering Budgeting advice at the Cabinet in the very near future. Make sure that you stay in touch and attend these very important sessions when they come around.
Despite the rapid changing world that we live in, especially in the area of technology, one thing that will never change, is the need for each other. We will always need each other. Stick together. Stand up for each other when this is necessary, and look out for each other!!! United you stand, but divided you will fall.
My final words to you are;
Never give up, no matter the circumstances that tend to blur your vision. Keep your eyes focused on the goal ahead which you have initially set out to achieve. I encourage you to keep on pressing on, because only those who refuse to settle for less, or give up, are the ones that will eventually reach the finish line.
Much success during your study here in The Netherlands, and may your experiences be very rewarding in the end.
God bless you!!!!"

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