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SHTA holds sober, but busy first Post-Irma event.

PHILIPSBURG:--- This Tuesday, the Sint Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA) held its first post-Irma mixer on October 31st. The event was hosted by Infinity Restaurant, reopening as of today.
By means of the mixer, SHTA invited its membership to convene for the first time after hurricane Irma. The meeting functioned as a platform in exchanging business insights on dealing with its aftermath. 150 Representatives of Sint Maarten’s business life turned up at Infinity, Oyster Bay Beach Resort’s largest restaurant.
The association deems it important that Sint Maarten’s business society comes together and shares practices in dealing with the aftermath of Irma. Many face an uncertain future, as the economy suffers from a temporary halt in visitor arrivals. Next to this, the large amount of insurance claims that need processing regionally further tightens the budget.
SHTA is grateful for Infinity Restaurant to host its first mixer. For Oyster Bay Beach Resort, opening their well-known Infinity Restaurant is a token of their desire to return to business as usual as soon as possible. Though hurricane Irma did considerable damage to the resort, structures have been left relatively unharmed. Work is in full swing to ensure a reopening of the entire of Oyster Bay Beach resort as soon as possible.
Next to membership, SHTA invited organizations that contributed to protecting and helping the Sint Maarten people over the past months. SHTA itself was responsible for the largest non-governmental relief effort after the hurricane. Starting activities the day before Irma made landfall, managed to get in five relief flights and a ship. The association is grateful for the many supplies of foreign organizations as well as for the efforts of many local volunteers to receive and distribute the goods received.

SHTA Press Release

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