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4C Foundation endorses SXMUNITE Clean-Up campaign on Nov 4th.

sxmunitebeachcleanup01102017PHILIPSBURG:--- Foresee Foundation, walking the talk on its 4Cs of Communication, Collaboration, Creative and Critical thinking is in full support of the clean-up campaign organized by Rotary St. Maarten in collaboration with many colleague stakeholders.

As a non-profit private NGO foundation (Non Governmental Organization) who executes large educational projects on St. Maarten impacting thousands of students and teachers, Foresee is indirectly dependent on the economy of St. Maarten and the business sector, just like many other creative School boards and other colleague NGOs.

In the past three years, 4C received lots of financial and in-kind support from the business community and the service clubs. Since January 2014 4C has received US $ 1.4 million in in-kind and monetary grants to finance innovative educational projects believing in the future of our children and youth. Approximately US$ 400,000 was donated by our local business community and our service/charity organizations and can be accounted for.

Foresee has been able to directly give more than 95% of these donations directly to the schools and other organizations such as the Philipsburg Jubilee Library Media Lab. The Foundation does not have an office neither salary costs, limiting expenses to basic necessities such as paying the annual registration Chamber of Commerce fees and some basic administrative and marketing/PR expenses.

The initiative by Rotary St. Maarten to have this community clean-up in the tourist areas shows the resilience of St. Maarten to rebuild St. Maarten, revitalize the business sector and create future employment opportunities hence supporting families and education . 4C is happy to contribute and will support further initiatives on helping other areas and neighborhoods as well, later on in collaboration with their partner NGOs.
The 4C Board will assist and asks all its business partners, suppliers, schools and organizations who were or are participating in its projects (DigiKidz, DigiTeenz, Educator CTEC conferences, For-the-Win Gaming TV project for all schools, Irma Stories and last but definitely not least, the Medialab at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library) to also support the clean-up by coming out in large numbers this Saturday at 6:00 a.m. at the Boardwalk .

4C Foundation Press Release

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