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Local TV Producers thrown out of business since Cable TV closes its doors.

No more call-in shows and local entertainment.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Several persons that have been producing local television shows were thrown out of business since Cable TV ceased its operations on December 31st, 2017.
Based on a letter sent to the producers on November 30th, 2017, Cable TV informed the producers that TelEm will handle the data services but made no mention of what alternative is in place for the local producers such as Oral Gibbes Live, SXM Daily News, Audrey Jack Show, Beverly Hyman Show and others.
Most of the local television shows aired on channel 115 and 120 are shows geared towards informing the community of St. Maarten. Residents of St. Maarten that have been looking at Oral Gibbes Live or Speaking of Everything will soon learn that Gibbes who has been producing his shows for over 35 years is no longer able to do so. The community of St. Maarten will also lose local TV News such as SXM Daily News operated by Ricardo Williams who once operated AVS Nightly News.
Some of the local TV producers told SMN News that most of them were basically thrown out of business even though they have no other alternative.

Click here to view the letter sent by St. Maarten Cable TV to local TV producers.

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