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Prime Minister Romeo Marlin visits Departments within the Ministry of General Affairs.

lmarlinromeoatcivilregistry18012018PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday morning Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin took the initiative to introduce her Cabinet staff to the departments that fall under the Ministry of General Affairs. The Prime Minister accompanied by Secretary General Hensley Plantijn visited Civil Registry, Facility Services, Information & Record Management, Legal Affairs & Legislation, Personnel & Organization, Public Service Center, Interior & Kingdom Relations & Foreign Relations. Later in the day, the Fire Department was visited at their headquarters in Cay Hill.

The goal of this initial visit was to acquaint the managers of the Departments with the cabinet staff to ensure a smooth transition and establish a positive working relationship for the next couple of months as the priorities of the incoming Government are executed. The Prime Minister wishes to see improvements in customer service for those departments that are in contact with the public and overall efficiency for the other departments within the Ministry. Strict adherence to the limited budget resources as a result of the passing of Hurricane Irma is expected to be followed by the Departments also.

The two remaining departments to be visited at a later date are the Department of Communication (DCOMM) and Information Communication & Technology (ICT). The Prime Minister expects great cooperation from all the Departments and looks forward to lifting the spirits of the Civil Servants working under the Minister of General Affairs during her time in office.

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