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Delivery Assistance & STI Treatment Kits Donated to the SMMC.

vsadonatessuppliestosmmc06022018CAY HILL:--- The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, & Labor (VSA) received boxes from the United Family Reproductive Association (UNFPA). The UNFPA donated the items as a sign of relief to St. Maarten in the form of Emergency Reproductive Health Kits (ERH Kits). This UNFPA relief is an initiative to cushion the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

The received ERH-kits are Kit 2: Clean Delivery for use By Birth Attendants can treat 10.000 women for 3 months; ERHKit5: Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections to diagnose and treat STIs for 3 months for 10.000 people; ERH-Kit6A Clinical Delivery Assistance- Reusable Equipment for 3 months to treat 30.000 women; ERH-K6B: Clinical Delivery Assistance – Drug & Disposable Equipment for 3 months for 30.000 women and Kit 9: Structure of Tears (Cervical & Vaginal) and Vaginal Examination to provide care to 30.000 women for 3 months.
The pre-identified target groups or vulnerable groups for the UNFPA relief project are: Category 1= No insurance; Category 2= Unemployed/low income with no insurance; Category 3= Profession CSW not employed, no insurance; Category 4= Below 18 years of age.

On Thursday, January 24 the Ministry Public Health Social Development & Labor with the assistance of the Honorable Minister Lee, handed over the following: ERH-Kits: Kit 2; Kit 6A; Kit 6B and Kit 9 slated as UNFPA relief to the St. Maarten Medical Center’s representative Ms. Boasman. These kits are to assist with deliveries of vulnerable pregnant women affected by the passing of Hurricane Irma and Maria. The vulnerable target group are Category 1= No insurance; Category 2= Unemployed/low income with no insurance; Category 3= Profession CSW not employed, no insurance; Category 4= below 18 years of age.

ERH-Kit 5, which contains medication and material to treat Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) will be shared amongst the physicians who have indicated their interest to be part of the UNFPA relief project. Kit 5 contents are scheduled for distribution to the participating physicians. All participants in the project including SMMC will have to report on a monthly basis on the use of the respective medication and medical items to Collective Prevention Services (CPS), and CPS in turn will have to report to the UNFPA on the use of the relief items within the pre-identified vulnerable groups. Kits are to provide Sexual Reproductive services and/or care to the identified vulnerable groups with the anticipation that the relief can assist in alleviating some of the financial costs (expenditures) associated with providing local Sexual Reproductive medical care/services.

“St. Maarten is grateful for the continued generosity and support received from various organizations and individuals both locally and abroad. This continued support is an important part of the country’s recovery efforts”, said Minister Emil Lee.

Press Release from the Ministry of VSA

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