~ Elites getting USZV medical coverage illegally, while regular workers having hard time~
PHILIPSBURG:--- The internal auditor of USZV Marvio Hooi fired an email to Glen Carty instructing him to stay out of the investigations they are conducting against Pioneer Terminal & Port Services.
SMN News learned that Hooi have been conducting a number of investigation since they found several persons that are among the elites and former politicians and their relatives holding USZV medical card even though they are not qualified for the cards.
It is alleged that the Director of USZV Glen Carty used his power to grant several politicians, their friends and family medical insurance cards.
The latest investigation against Pioneer Terminal and Port Services start when they notice Mark Chance left his $8.000 salary at Maduro and Sons to work for a mere $2,700.00. This discrepancy caused concern for USZV internal auditor who convoked the owner of Pioneer Terminal & Port Services to provide all documents in order for the investigation to continue. SMN News further learned that the owner of Pioneer responded to Hooi's email and also copied Glen Carty whom they said have stopped several suspicious investigations.
It should be noted that Carty just removed Ruth Brewster from the COO position because she gave a negative advice regarding Maho Group of Companies workers who Carty and Emil Lee wants to have full medical coverage by USZV even though they are working 5hours per day.
In 2014 when Carty was appointed Interim Director of USZV he started an investigation when he found several persons were given USZV medical cards fraudulently. Carty had even filed a complaint against a particular employee who was prosecuted while another was fired. At the time Dr. Michel Petit was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Petit did almost everything in his power to ensure the funds at USZV was protected. However, the current board of directors under the leadership of Sharine Daniel are all politically motivated and have not been doing what is expected of them to protect USZV funds.
Already USZV lost over 70% of its revenue since the passing of IRMA yet politicians and the elites are getting special treatment while the regular worker cannot get their benefits when they need it.
Below full Repsonse from Pioneer Terminal & Port Services
April 29, 2018
To: SMN News, Owner(s), Reporters, and Administrators:
cc: Prosecutors Office of St. Maarten
Dear Owner's of SMN News,
Today I read a publication on SMN News as published April 29, 2018, with heading, "EXCLUSIVE: USZV Director got Instruction as they investigate possible fraud." -Elites getting USZV medical coverage illegally, while regular workers having hard time-
In your article you have mentioned several names of which two are "Mark Chance and Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V.", and that you have learned that Hooi have been conducting a number of investigation:
Please advise me from whom you have received information regarding Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V. regarding wages of Mark Chance being US$2,700,00 per month, and that Mark Chance earned US$8000,00 per month at Maduro before being let go? For your information Mark earns legally Nafls. 2,670.00 (US$1,500.00) gross wages per month and a car and communication expense of Nafls. 492,00 (US$276.40) at Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V., and I am not his uncle nor the owner I am his father, which also needs to be explained by your reporter, as to where this information comes from?
If Mark was earning US$8000,00 salary per month at Maduro, can you prove this to public of St. Maarten?
Furthermore, Mark Chance was out of employment at Maduro for several months, and needed a job, and got his job with Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V. as of February 1, 2018 legally and as Dutch born citizen of St. Maarten, with a Dutch passport, and I.D.
Furthermore, since you have learned that Hooi is conducting investigation on Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V. and others, can you advise the public of St. Maarten via your source at USZV, how much money Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V. owes to USZV during the last five years for ZV/OV and AOV/AWW, and if Pioneer has been late in payments during these years. Can you also via your source, and since your source and since you learned that Hooi or SMN has comingled Maduro with Pioneer and you have mentioned regarding Maduro's business, can you also give account of monies owed to USZV for this company for the last five years for ZV/OV and AOV/AWW, and also can your source at USZV provide the public of St. Maarten for the last five years a list of all companies which have been delinquent in payments to USZV, and with which quantities owed and for which years, and if reporting was according to the rules of USZV both monthly and yearly.
I also noted that you mentioned that you learned that Management and Minister of USZV wanted all employees working 5 hours per day to have full coverage by USZV. Does your source know that we had a Hurricane Irma and Maria recently in September of 2017, do you and your source understand the business of cruise, tourism, and cargo business in general on this Island, do you know that most employees before the Hurricanes were employed full time and now they are happy to still have a job at some establishments in order to support their families, whether this is full time or less than full time? Do you know that most businesses have been paying employees full time before the Hurricanes and these employees are mostly still employed maybe for less hours as the country grows back slowly in the
Page 2 continued from page 1, Owners of SMN News, regarding article USZV April 29, 2018.
cruise business, cargo business and hotel business and tourism in general, and that one just cannot start implementing drastic inhumane rules to do away with their doctor cards which they so dearly need for their medicines and doctor's visits without first looking at the situation in St. Maarten as an urgent case of re-establishing business and the working class, to maintain our market share of the business, especially in the Cruise Industry and Tourism in general.
Do you know that truckers, bus drivers, and many other tour operators are struggling to survive and yet employ people in difficult times to help revive this Island? And that these people are working mostly 7 days a week when business is to its fullest.
You are to be explicit and clear about your reporting when mentioning names of individuals and companies on this fragile Island's economy, or your reporting can be considered to be FAKE news by those who do not understand, if not clearly defined and identified.
Since you are so aware of whom I copied on my reply to USZV for needed documentation from Pioneer, please be advised that as a Managing Director of Pioneer company I am free to copy the Managing Director of USZV on matters which are important for consumption of the Managing Director of any Company be it private or government owned, as I do not have a gag order not to do so, and I feel it is transparent to do so, since Managing Directors are legally bound and responsible for the running of a company on a day to day basis.
To conclude, and based on another recent article that I read, I feel, and that is my opinion that an OPERATIONAL AND INTERNAL AUDIT is definitely required at USZV. Especially after reading all the confusions that exist in recent articles in general government owned companies.
I look forward to your comments and answers to my letter, and I expect that his letter also be published in your publication.
Pioneer Terminal & Port Services, N.V.
Hubert Leo Chance
Managing Director
Editors Note:--
To Management of Pioneer Terminal & Port Services
SMN News did not in any way levy any accusations against Pioneer Terminal & Port Services. As publisher an article was published about an ongoing investigation at USZV. When that investigation is completed the outcome will be published when it is made available to us. Your company can also submit the full report for publication and it will be published.