Refusal to cooperate is punishable as a violation and crime.
WILLEMSTAD:--- The Inspectorate of Health of Curacao has filed a complaint with the Prosecutors Office against the general director and medical director of the Advent Hospital namely Mrs. C. Panneflek and Mrs. H.C Mejia.
A press release from the Inspectorate states that Pursuant to the provisions of the National Ordinance Inspection for Public Health, everyone is obliged to cooperate with the inspection function of the Inspection. Failure to comply with this obligation is punishable (Article 11, paragraph 5 and Article 40, paragraph 1 of the Lvo;
2: 137 of the Penal Code).
The two members of the management have refused any contact with the Public Health Inspectorate since 4 July, despite repeated requests from this side. Within Advent Hospital there are currently more than enough reasons for conducting surveillance interviews, based on, among other things, dubious admission indications, questionable future plans and possibly ill-employed medical specialists.
Based on other powers in the National Ordinance Public Health Inspectorate, the Inspectorate is also considering imposing one or more burdens on the Advent Hospital this week.