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GVS committee installed.

PHILIPSBURG:---  Three members of the recently established GVS-Committee,( Geneesmiddelenvergoedingssysteem)who were appointed through national decree, were installed by the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, & Labor, Emil Lee, on August 9, 2018.

Minister Lee said that when the GVS are operational, the public and private sector would see some tangible benefits reflected in lower cost due to efficient management of the system regulating the remuneration cost of Pharmaceuticals. The public will pay less for particular drugs and it is estimated that the Social & Health Insurances (SZV)will save approximately Naf. 6 million. The benefits are there, Minister Lee pointed out.

The GVS-Committee is designated to advise the Minister of Public Health on matters pertaining to the system regulating the remuneration cost of pharmaceuticals, referred to in Article 20 of the “Landsbesluit vergoeding kosten geneesmiddelen” (the national decree regulating the remuneration cost of pharmaceuticals).

The following members of this Committee were appointed by means of national decree dated June 19, 2018, no. LB-18/0356;

1. Mr. Peter Hendrik Bruns, Attorney of Law, appointed to serve as the independent Chairman;
2. Mr. Andwele D. Illes, Pharmacist, appointed to serve as the independent Pharmacist;
3. Dr. Gabe Gerben van Essen, Internist, appointed to serve as the independent Medical Physician;
4. Miss. Luchienne Wespel, prescription control officer at the Social & Health Insurances (SZV), selected by the Director and SZV board, appointed to serve as member of the GVS Committee.

Their tasked consist of;

a. assessing applications submitted for inclusion into the annexes accompanying the previously mentioned national decree;
b. provide an informed advice to the Minister of Public Health on the GVS Committee's assessment in respect to submitted applications; and
c. the solicited and unsolicited advice to the Minister on all matters, including proposed amendments to the previously mentioned national decree.

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