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Attorney for Francisco Corallo responds to Letter and allegations of theft submitted by MP Frans Richardson.

~Corallo was not present during house searches~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Attorney at Law Jairo Bloem in an email to SMN News after questions were posed to him regarding the letter sent by MP Frans Richardson and the allegation of stolen jewelry by TBO Officers said the following.

“Mr. Corallo took notice, like everyone else who reads your blog, of the content of the - alleged – letter to the former Chief Public Prosecutor on Sint Maarten Mr. Ton Maan, sent by a Mr./Mrs. Festen. Mr. Corallo does not have any way to ascertain if this document is real and more importantly if its content is -fully- correct.

Regretfully, Mr. Corallo was not allowed to be present when his goods and the goods of his girlfriend were being seized from his apartment. Mr. Corallo as such was unable to witness the actions of the TBO Officers in this respect. As far as Mr. Corallo knows, there are no unaccounted goods, specifically jewellery.

This remark is made with the reservation that he has not yet obtained all the seized goods back. This means that he can presently only speak for the availability of the jewellery that was not seized from his apartment.
Logically, he will only know that the seized goods that the Solicitor General’ Office took in its possession are really accounted for, when these are returned to him.

Mr. Corallo deducts from the - alleged - letter dated January 8th, 2016, that was published on your media blog that the TBO Officers who allegedly/possibly stole/misappropriated the jewellery of Mr. Corallo and his girlfriend, were subsequently immediately deprived of this jewellery. Furthermore, that this jewellery was – hastily- placed back at the apartment of Mr. Corallo, where it was allegedly taken in the first place.
It goes without saying that if this is indeed the case, Mr. Corallo, who once again was not allowed to be present at the ‘house-search of his apartment, but instead immediately detained upon entry of the TBO officers, handcuffed, blindfolded and harshly transported away, is incapable to establish what really transpired.

The Solicitor General's Office, the persons named in the alleged letter and personal records of the TBO Officers who conducted the house search at the apartment of Mr. Corallo, should provide the requisite clarity, in this respect.

I trust to have informed you adequately herewith on behalf of Mr. Francesco Corallo.”

Jairo Bloem
Attorney at Law

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