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Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset Celebrates Its Charter.

rotarymembers16122018Maho:--- On December 12, 2018, it was an atmosphere of excitement and celebration as the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset hosted their official Charter Ceremony at The Refuge in Maho. In attendance at the event were Prime Minister of Sint Maarten Leona Romeo-Marlin, President of Parliament Sarah Wescott Williams, Rotary International President Barry Rassin, District Governor Patrick Adizua and his wife Lesline, Assistant Governor Marcellia Henry, District Governor Nominee Designate Louis Wever and his wife Amanda amongst other invited guests.

The night kicked off with the charismatic Master of Ceremonies Jeffrey Sochrin, “Dr. Soc” welcoming one and all to the celebration. He applauded the club members for the work that they have been doing thus far and congratulated them on a job well done. Local Talent Kenyo Baly gave a beautiful rendition of the St. Martin song, Member of Parliament, Rotarian Tamara Leonard leading the Invocation and Vice President of the club, Ruminni Rogers leading the Four Way Test.

The evening continued with Rotarian Julie Ramchandani introducing the Rotary International President, Barry Rassin. It is the first time in history that a Rotary International President has visited the island during his term. And it was a special honor having him present, as he hails from the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, one of the islands in our Rotary District 7020.

The RI President expressed his pleasure in seeing a Rotary club with young, passionate members doing so much good for their island. He addressed the audience telling them of the great impact that Rotary has had around the world, in the eradication of polio, earthquake relief, hurricane recovery among several others. President Barry presented two Rotarians from the club with a special recognition for their efforts in making this club a reality. Secretary of the club, Elisia Lake and Rotarian Julie Ramchandani, both past District Rotaract Representatives, were called on stage and pinned with a pin of appreciation, for being an inspiration to the President himself.

Dinner was then served which brought guests a global flair of Italian, Chinese and Local cuisine set up at various stations across the venue. After dinner, came the main event. The District Governor, Patrick Adizua, from the Rotary Club of Mandeville, Jamaica who was also a special guest at the event, installed and pinned the Charter President of the club, Jaida Nisbett, who was a ball of excitement, nerves, and optimism. President Jaida expressed appreciation to her club members for their support and hard work in seeing this club to fruition and she gave the audience a taste of some of the projects the club has been involved in thus far, and the plans for the near future. She called her board on stage and they received their pins from the Rotary International President and District Governor, as well as all club members. Kenrick Housen of Carl N Sons Unique Inn and Conference Facilities was pinned as an honorary member of the club. This distinct recognition was awarded to him for his selfless support to the club and the community. Secretary of the club, Elisia Lake was surprised when the members of the club presented her with a token of appreciation for being the driving force behind the club and its members.

Forty-one young professionals, all with the same goal in mind, to make our island and our world a better place. It was an incredible achievement to have such a diverse group of members, hailing from various vocations such as Education, Business, Hospitality, Government, and so many others. Rotarian Dheeraj Daswani was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow, a recognition of an individual who has contributed USD$1000 to The Rotary Foundation. Raffle and Door prizes were given out from Lazy Lizard Beach Bar and Grill, Crazy Habanero, Emilio’s Restaurant and Rainforest Adventures, Grand Jewelers, Ballerina Jewelers, Duty-Free Plaza, Trendy’s Electronics, Office World, Oyster Bay Beach Resort and Sonesta Ocean Point. The atmosphere of the night was positive and upbeat and there is an optimistic outlook to see the good work that this club will continue to do.

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