~Restriction placed on Internal Audit Department.~
PHILIPSBURG:--- The management board of GEBE namely the CEO Kenrick Chittick, CFO Iris Arrindell, and COO Veronica Webster Jensen illegally evicted the Supervisory Board members from the AT. Illidge Road office space.
SMN News learned that the members of the management board went as far as removing the office furniture and did not inform the Supervisory Board members that are now without an office space.
A letter was sent to the Supervisory Board on Thursday, January 3rd about the illegal eviction.
SMN News further understands that the management board offers to put the Supervisory Board in an office space inside the yard where the Facility Department is located. However, it is further understood that the office space that the management board offered is contaminated with mold and fiberglass.
It is further understood that an employee Willem Williamsburg almost lost his life due to the contamination and had to be hospitalized in Colombia.
SMN News understands that the Supervisory Board of GEBE will be taking legal actions against the management board for the illegal eviction.
Management Board seeking to dismiss an employee.
SMN News further learned that GEBE Managing Board is seeking to dismiss Cedric van Heynigen whom it is understood assisted clients of GEBE with providing a payment plan for them instead of disconnecting their utility. At the moment Van Heynigen is suspended pending dismissal. According to information provided to SMN News, the CFO gave her brother a sweetheart deal with his huge bills but chose not to work with the residents and businesses on St. Maarten that suffered immensely since the passing of hurricane Irma and Maria.
Internal Audit Department Restricted.
Chief Internal Auditor Sharine Daniel intends to take the management board of GEBE to court since they also placed an illegal restriction on the department. SMN News learned that GEBE Management Board is given until January 5th to remove the restriction.
At the moment GEBE is managing the company without checks and balances while proper procedures are not being followed. It is alleged that since the Shareholder representatives of the company left the Government-owned company without functioning Supervisory Board for more than six months the management board with the support of the current UD government are doing whatever they want since it is tolerated by them.