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Investment opportunity on Saint Eustatius,

statiainvestment21022019To edify a community through Entrepreneurship!"

 Herewith, I would like to present to Investors near and far, the community of Saint Eustatius, Statians and "Friends of Statia" in the Diaspora the current project of "SanD's Vastgoed" at Concordia as an investment opportunity on the Island of Saint Eustatius.

The re-start and completion, forecasted within a two-year span (Ground Floor within 6 months), formed the basis of my Thesis upon graduation from The Hague University of Applied Sciences under the faculty of International Business & Management.

Point of departure being the (un)availability of finance modules for the Island obtainable locally or within the Region for 'New' Entrepreneurs (Start-ups) and/or existing businesses. In order to forge a breakthrough in the impasse (vicious cycle), I contended to establish "SanD's Guaranteed Fund" to finance the completion of the Commercial Complex adjacent to the
'FDR Airport' on Saint Eustatius. Through broad-based participation and Group profit sharing, Investors would be sought to finance collective interests on the Island. In this instance, beginning with the much-needed project of "SanD's Vastgoed" at a prime location on the Island, surrounded by the larger residential areas.

The Prospectus of the Company outlines the establishment of a Retail (Supermarket) Outlet accompanied by 4 compatible commercial entities for individual entrepreneurs, including, a
'Wellness Centre'. Atop the Ground Floor 8 residential units will be built for lease, also
utilizing the roof of the complex to source solar energy.

 The “SanD’s Guaranteed Fund” gives the investor the possibility to directly influence the usage of funds. The investor is guaranteed herein, an 8% annual dividend on all invested capital into the project. Whereby, the full yield is earned by the participant. E.g. a $ 10,000.00 investment in the "SanD's Guaranteed Fund" yields $ 4,000.00 over 5 years compare to savings of 0.5 - 1% per annum, yielding $ 250.00 - 500.00 over the same 5-year period.

The initial term of the emission is set at 5 years - with the possibility to opt out after the second year – total redeemable up to an amount of US $ 50,000.00 yearly (Notice to be received before the 31st January in subsequent years). The C-Shares of the "SanD's Guaranteed Fund" are redeemable by the Company after 5 years or may be converted to "Common B-Shares" of the Company by the Holder. The investor also shares in the further distribution of profits along with the "Common Shares" Holders.

To encourage financial literacy amongst the Children, and preparations for tertiary education an added incentive is granted of $ 1,500.00 on an investment of $ 1,000.00 or $ 30,000.00 on an investment of $ 20,000.00, both reserved towards a Child.

 Fund Manager of the "SanD's Guaranteed Fund" is Ms Antoinette Schmidt - Managing Director of the legal entity "SanD's Vastgoed & Beheermaatschappij N.V.", established on Saint Eustatius, under Chamber of Commerce registration number 946.

Do contact us (Telephone: +599-319-1263) to request a copy of the Prospectus along with the 'Share Application Form'. By E-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Inscription to the "SanD's Guaranteed Fund" commenced on the 15th February 2019. The
'Inception Date' is set for the 1st March 2019.

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