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SMMC signs MOU agreements with WYCCF and AVTS.

smmcentrance10092019CAY HILL:--- St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) agreements as a continued commitment to patient safety if evacuation becomes necessary due to an emergency or a disaster.
Recently, an MOU was signed between SMMC and Accessible Ventures Transportation of Sint Maarten (AVTS) on the transportation of patients. Kees Klarenbeek, General Director of SMMC and Louis Jeffers, the Managing Director of AVTS, signed the MOU. Within the framework of the MOU, it is agreed that AVTS will provide assistance where needed in transferring patients to a pre-determined facility in the event of an emergency or disaster.
Another MOU was signed recently, between SMMC and the White and Yellow Cross Care Foundation (WYCCF) by Kees Klarenbeek, General Director of SMMC and Bregje Boetekees, the Operations Manager of WYCCF. Within the framework of the MOU, the WYCCF will be the designated evacuation site for admitted patients of SMMC in the event of an emergency situation. Furthermore, cooperation extends to the provision of appropriate facilities assuring patient safety to the maximum degree possible, even with given pressures of the emergency. SMMC agrees to ensure the provision of adequate nursing staff and required supplies for patients transferred to the WYCCF.
Both MOU agreements further strengthen the cooperation between SMMC and the two organizations assuring the safety and continuation of quality care for admitted patients in any dire emergency situation.
SMMC continues to establish further agreements with other organizations to collaborate and provide the needed support to the hospital in the event of an emergency or disaster.
Kees Klarenbeek, General Director stated: "I welcome these important initiatives which formalize and strengthen the existing relationship between SMMC and the respective organizations. I look forward to continuing to build on our constructive cooperation in the interest of enhancing patient safety and quality of care for all."

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