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Minister Johnson receives Maximum Price List 2019 Hurricane items Booklet.

johnsonwilson16092019PHILIPSBURG:--- Head of the Inspectorate in the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications (TEATT) Lucien Wilson, recently presented TEATT Minister the Honourable Stuart Johnson, with a copy of the "Maximum Price List 2019 Hurricane Items Booklet."
Some of the items in the Booklet include those considered to be Hurricane related. They have been regulated by Ministerial Regulation titled "Regeling prijsvaststelling in verband met uitzonderingstoestanden 2019"/ Ministerial Regulation on Price Determination pertaining to a state of emergency 2019.
The Booklets contain a full list of the regulated items and their maximum price at which they may be sold by retailers to assist the public when making purchases. The Ministry will print the booklets and distribute them within short.
Minister Johnson said Sunday, "The objective of the ministerial regulation is to set preventive measures for price gouging as has been suspected in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma and Maria in 2017."
This move to establish the maximum price ensures fair pricing of movable goods, such as water, groceries, batteries, construction materials, etc. which the consumers need during a state of emergency such as the aftermath of a hurricane.
This regulation is in force until November 30, 2019. Willful violations of the law may include criminal prosecution and a fine of up to NAĆ’10.000,-
The Inspectorate of TEATT has already made its maximum prices know through various publications and is making sure that all hardware stores, supermarkets and suppliers of construction material are informed of the existence of this regulation. The Ministry of TEATT has also outlined the obligation of these establishments to comply with the established maximum prices once a state of emergency has been declared.


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