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Geerlings said government need to pay their debts.

perrygeerlings24062019~ TELEM was always the first preference to pay with UTS sales. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Former Minister of Finance Perry Geerlings who came under fire these past weeks for paying TELEM $13M instead of paying the justice workers that were owed since 10/10/10 said that government owed TELEM NAF 30M and there was an agreement that is legally binding that must be paid.
He said while MP Brison identified the police as the priority when he presented the draft initiative law that speeds up the sale of UTS shares. Geerlings said MP Brison worked with him on the draft law to speed up the sale, and the government always had three things that must be addressed with the money derived from the sale. TELEM he said was the first in line to be paid because there is a legal agreement with TELEM that must be respected. While the police are the second payment because they were owed NAF6M, while the remainder would go towards the food program for schools.
Geerlings said there is also a Kingdom agreement which clearly states that the government of St. Maarten must pay its bills to places like TELEM, APS, SZV, and GEBE. He said the moment he took office two years ago he worked on agreements with the various entities and managed to bring down the debts in most places such as TELEM and the police that owed NAF6M which he brought down to NAF4.
The former Minister of Finance said that the Parliament of St. Maarten is what is holding back the other two payments including the police because the parliament of St. Maarten must work on a small amendment to the draft initiative law. He said when the law was published hours after the government received $5M however the buyers wanted a small part of the law changed which his office and advisers worked on and it was sent to the Council of Advice, the Governor which was to be sent to Parliament for ratification.
The former Minister further explained that he already worked on the payment plan for the police who would each get NAF5,000.00 as advance payment while the balance would have been paid through their salaries.
Take a listen to what the former Minister who is contesting the January 9th, 2020 elections had to say about ship jumping, instability within government and parliament.



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