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42 news cases on French St. Martin for the past week.

MARIGOT:--- In Saint-Martin, 42 new cases were recorded this week. This brings the total number of coronavirus cases confirmed by PCR tests to 109 A large number of cases this week has been updated thanks to the traveling screening campaign. Two deaths are to be deplored and two people are hospitalized, one at Louis Constant Fleming hospital and the other at the hospital in Guadeloupe.
Since August 8, 551 additional tests have been carried out in the city and hospital, with a total of 2321 tests carried out in Saint-Martin.
49 people are declared healed. Thus 54 people are active carriers of the virus on the territory not to mention those who do not know they are carrying.
Comparatively in Sint-Maarten territory, 269 combined coronavirus cases were confirmed by the PCR test with 150 active people carrying the virus. A lower number of tests were carried out with 1140 tests. The positivity rate is therefore higher.
This proves that virus circulation is active in our territory. The issue is whether this active circulation will impact the development of serious cases in the next fifteen days.
The screening campaign in collaboration with the Red Cross ends today but new complementary screening procedures are being discussed. Since the beginning, 824 samples have been taken from volunteers.
The RIPOSTE COVID-19 platform, in connection with health insurance partners (CGSS) and public health France has carried out a considerable investigation work beyond calls received and calls made on travel advice (PCR tests). Only one cluster is identified in Saint-Martin. At the current stage of the investigation, it is composed of 4 cases and all contact cases detected are negative.
In Saint-Barthélemy, 1 new case was recorded this week. This brings the total number of coronavirus cases confirmed by PCR tests to 13
Since August 8, 87 additional tests have been carried out in the city, with a total of 1699 tests carried out in Saint-Barthélemy.
9 people are declared healed. Thus 4 people are active carriers of the virus on the territory not counting those who do not know they are carrying
The ARS continues to monitor closely the monitoring indicators set up for the monitoring of the deconfinement:
- The incidence rate that measures the number of people positive for COVID-19 per 100 inhabitants over a one-week period. Two thresholds are set, a vigilance threshold of 10/100 inhabitants and an alert threshold of 50/100 inhabitants. A high incidence rate reflects cluster development or active viral circulation.
Saint-Martin went above the alert threshold with a rate of 118,16 / 100 000 inhabitants!
Saint-Barthélemy is just at the level of vigilance with a rate of 10,42 / 100 inhabitants.
- The positivity rate that measures the number of people detected COVID-19 / number of tests carried out over a week. Two thresholds are set, a 5 % vigilance threshold and an alert threshold at 10 %.
Saint-Martin went above the vigilance threshold with a rate over the past week 7,62 %.
Saint-Barthélemy remains below the vigilance threshold with a rate over the last week of 1 %.
- Virus (R) reproduction factor represents the average number of people an infected person can contaminate. This factor is unavailable for Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy due to populations too small to be interpretable.
There are currently 2 people in the CHUG CPR service. These are Guadeloupean patients.
The ARS reminds you that you must protect yourself, so you will protect others!
The virus doesn't take a vacation! Respect the barriers gestures and wear your mask because the people you are with can be carriers of the virus!
In anticipation of this weekend of August 15, often festive, it is more recommended than ever to wear the mask, including outside, in places where people are grouped.
In addition to places where wearing a mask is mandatory when you wonder about the opportunity to wear it, you must use the ABCD rule
The COVID-19 epidemic should not make us forget the dengue that is still present: let's destroy our larval gites!
Information number: 0 130 800 000


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