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EMS Services Commence with EMS Week on Sunday.

ambulancepersonnelchurchservice12062011Great Bay (DCOMM):--- The Emergency Medical Services (EMS), will be kicking off EMS Week on Sunday with a Church Service at the New Testament Baptist Church at 11.00am across from Government Administration Building.

Ambulance Department Head Cylred Richardson told the Department of Communication (DCOMM) that EMS Week which is being carried out under the theme, "EMS Everyday Heroes," entails creating awareness within the community about what the Ambulance service offers.

A number of radio interviews are planned on SOS Radio, PJD-2 and Laser 101 for Monday and Wednesday. The radio programs will focus on prevention of accidental injuries, brain injury, as well as the importance of using car seats for children and seat belts.

From June 14-16, there will be lectures in a number of schools on drinking and driving, distracted driving when texting and talking on the phone.

On June 17, appreciation will be shown to retired ambulance personnel. Also planned for that day is a Motorcade Parade which will include various agencies including those from the North side of the island followed by a Karaoke Night at the Ambulance headquarters in Cay Hill.

On Saturday, the various agencies from North and South will come together for sports activities.

The Ambulance Service falls under Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour. The service is committed to providing timely pre-hospital medical care and transport for the sick or injured persons 24 hours a day seven days a week.

The service has a staff of 24 which include ambulance nurses, certified driver assistants, ambulance dispatchers, a medical adviser, support staff and management.

The paramedics and emergency medical technicians are trained in pre-hospital emergency medical management of patients with medical conditions and traumatic injuries.

For medical emergency persons should call the ambulance service emergency number 912.

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