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I remember at the start of the 1985 campaign for parliamentary elections; walking into the Administration Building, I met Mr. Louie Laveist and asked him to voice a radio spot for my campaign.
Since 1985 we worked together on many campaigns for the Democratic Party. When Mr. Louie Laveist got elected to Parliament and I was appointed State Secretary of Justice, General Affairs & Interior Affairs our working relationship strengthened. Louie, being the new senator and I being the one with some experience in Willemstad, would guide him in the right direction as much as I could. When I joined Mr. Laveist in Parliament, one could say we made a pretty good tag team.
The exercise of preparing, guiding and completion of the process for the amendment to the Penal Code with the addition of the Human Smuggling article, was one where he chose to not fully follow my advice which resulted in the amendment being accepted by Parliament but with him literally having to sweat harder to get it passed.
The other day, I met Senator Ray Hassell and Commissioner Julian Woodley (Former Senator) and both of them reminded me of the long evenings where they, Mr. Laveist, myself and other colleagues from Parliament would spend at Marriott discussing politics, sharing experiences and giving each other advice based on our experiences.
Like everyone on St. Maarten and elsewhere in the Netherlands Antilles, I have taken note of the press reports on the court case of Mr. Louie Laveist and as a citizen with some experience in public service, would like to give some unsolicited advice to my friend Mr. Louie Laveist:

Refrain from making public statements on anything (don't even talk about the weather). Stay far away from microphones and cameras. Your participation in the radio program and your press conference has hurt your image and weakened your position and that of the island.

Enlarge your defense team and spend time, plenty of time, with your lawyer (s) preparing your case for the appeal courts. Instruct your defense team to refrain from public statements. Court cases are won in the Courts, in front of the Judges, not in the media.

Sint Maarten is bigger than all of us and its image and position needs to be restored not only in the Kingdom but throughout the Caribbean.
You do not deserve the way you are treating yourself. Regain support and respect by doing justice to yourself. To achieve this, I advise you to resign as Member of the Island Council. Stop holding government and the nation hostage. It will be the best for the Island and for YOU.

Marcel F.A. Gumbs

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