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Increasingly more people are realizing how many Haitians exploit the 'image' of underdog, wherever they go.
It is working perfectly for them to get public sympathy, non-stop.
Even if, in th meantime they over-populate the host-country, drain the social welfare system and without any concern or compassion threaten to make natives a minority in their own home; capitalizing on the 'under-dog card' is working well for them.
Although most Haitians will blame the 'whole world', including the yet unborn for their misery in Haiti and will claim 'human rights' everywhere they 'land foot', they have masterfully exploited the notion of being the 'eternal underdog'; the poorest, hardest-working, most honest and abused 'Caribbean brothers & sisters' you can find.
In that carefully orchestrated process here on the island, they have been supported by certain 'Haitian scholars/ & omanticists', who have conveniently failed to educate them to respect the rights of native St. Martin people in their own country and to INTEGRATE and NOT build HAITI in St.Maarten/St.Martin at expense of the St. Martin people.
Recently in the Daily Herald of Friday, April 3, 2009, an article was published entitled 'Catholic Haitians Buy Church Bus'.
In this article mention is made that a 'church bus' had been acquired for the HAITIAN Catholic community.
Guess, who is expected again to pay, based on the 'underdog' image of the Haitians ?
For more information go to, under NAVIGATION and click on Commentary

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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