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This article is written for the sole purpose for the readers to understand the indebt meaning of the name of the article.
In order for me to do this I am obliged to give our readers the figuratively ammunition, the necessary information or the legitimate roots and reasons to arrive to the credible conclusion as to the chosen name of this article.
In keeping with many of our politicians' misled political messages, phrases and slogans which only turned out to be hollow promises I decided to take them to task by analyzing and assessing what their positions are on many cardinal issues on hand.
I have been a proponent or political pundit of supporting a new government rather than a national government because of the simple fact:

It is better to dance with a demon than to dance with devils.

A New Beginning and Dawning of a New Day means doing things differently.
• obvious options and opportunities.
Now more than ever the NA has options and opportunities at their disposal to promote, to provide and to protect:
1) the introduction of good and transparent governance with accountability.
2) the elimination of nepotism in government.
3) the elimination of conflict of interests in government.
4) the introduction of the code of ethics and conduct as a policy in government.
5) the fight to curb corruption in government.
6) the elimination on quick fix get rich schemes, shams and scams.
• convince, convert and confess.

The NA has the task in ensuring that all members of the next government's administration are:
1) on the same page regarding the government's program.
2) pointing their nose in the same direction regarding government's plans and policies.
In other words convincing, converting and allowing the other members outside of the NA circle who are now supporting the next government to publicly confess that this is:
A New Beginning and the Dawning of a New Day!!!!!
• weasels, weevils and worms are coming out of the wood works.
To these awesome and amazing "good Samaritans" who have accumulated their astonishing personal wealth at the expense of the victims of their wicked and vicious former administration I say the following:
1) a bird landing on a branch should not start singing but rather look out for their
2) don't use the NA as a shelter, safe haven or sanctuary for your next flight out to your
destination called: the NDP,OK.
3) don't think of harassing and hassling any more locals and their businesses as well as
Indigenous property owners such as: St.Maarten Port Services, mr.Rodrick Halley
4) St.Maarten is not your slave's plantation to weal, deal, steal and sell for your
families benefit.
5) our Indigenous people will fight to the tilt to protect our properties and patrimonies.
You are been seen as weasels, weevils and worms coming out of the wood works!!!!!

• credible conclusion.
Mr.William Marlin, you will be held accountable for not practicing what you preach on:
1) introduction of good and transparent governance.
2) promoting, providing and protecting especially Indigenous people and their
3) it is A New Beginning and the Dawning of A New Day!!!!!
So, mr William Marlin you have:
The chance to change crew and course!!!!!

Mr.Edwin James.

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x