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To Mr. Franz GUMBS President Collectivite Saint Martin.

Dear Mr. President,

On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, Mr. Albert ADAMS (Jesse Torres), myself Leopold JAMES, and Mr. Etienne VAN HEYINGEN also know as ‘ETIQUE', appeared on the popular radio-call in program ‘Talking Points' of Mr.‘Billy D' HAMLET.
During and especially after the program, we were flooded by people who listened to the program and who urged us to come on the air much more often.
In particular, people responded extremely surprised at the knowledge of 'Etique' on the culture of the Haitian people, of whom we have thousands of immigrants on the island, while their numbers continue to rise and pose a serious population in-balance.
Finally, people are realizing the importance of knowing WHO we are importing in our midst in terms of their culture, their thinking, their history, their health-risks and their methods in going about becoming the new natives of this island.
Now that people have come to realize that the Etique they thought they knew and took for granted for so long, is a real grass-roots historian and a living encyclopedia, they want for him, on a ongoing basis to share his wide personal experience with them on this critical immigration matter.
We hereby lend our support to that request from the St. Martin people by recommending you invite Mr. VAN HEYNIGNEN for an informative meeting on the issue at hand.
Hopefully such a discussion can result in you offering him a position as a grass-roots consultant, allowing him to share his expertise with the collectivity, schools, associations, unions, employers and others about the background, the thinking and the customs of those immigrants which are having a tremendous impact on every aspect of the lives AND the future existence of the native-indigenous St. Martin People.
We look forward to your response in making use of our own local native human-resources.
Needless to state that acknowledging one of our own as such, will go a long way in restoring confidence of the native population in your ability and willingness to stand up for your own native-indigenous St. Martin people, without taking away the justified basic human-rights of others.
This principle is applied in every self-respecting country and St. Martin should be no exception.
It is very clear that we can no longer have people in our midst, whose motives, thinking and agenda remains a secret to us, until they decide to manifest these, at a time, when it will be too late for us to survive as a people.
Looking forward to your expedient response.
On behalf of the SNBF/Association L' Esprit de Concordia,

Leopold JAMES, president
Other relevant authorities
Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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