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Leopold James Reacts to Newspaper Article.

Re; The most coveted '10-10-10'-jingle...a 'fata morgana' ?
Reference material; See (cut- & paste) attachment from the Daily Herald, of Tuesday, June 22, 2010; Police, prison, census under General Kingdom Measure.
Our commentary'
While the Daily Herald, correctly called it as being under 'General Kingdom Measure' , the name most politicians dread hearing anyone use is less 'mundaine'; it is nothing else but, being placed under the most dreaded 'measure'...... Higher Supervision from 'Ulanda', to be very sure.
Nothing can be more embarrassing, humiliating for any self-respecting Antillean politician, aspiring to do his/her 'own thing' than such a most colonial measure.
And while that might be the case for 'leader' of Government, Mr.William MARLIN, and his 'smart' and highly 'educated' crew, who months ago with a glass of champagne, concluded the very 'successfull debates in the Hague pertaining to the Kingdom Consensus laws, one person for sure might be having a 'laugh'.
Who does not remember Statian Councilman, Reginald ZAANDAM who alone by himself during the debates in the Hague, proudly, and courageously stood up and warned that the Dutch were setting up the people of the islands.
He was immediately and forcefully 'rebuked' by the simple-minded and power-hungry Antillean delegation-members for '$poiling thing$'.
Again, the Dutch, famous for their cunning intellect projected a fata-morgana or a hallucination into the simple minds of the politicians, as some real, tangible, glitzy and shiny prize, the St. Martin delegation jumped at, not realizing that they came back home with a 'cat in the bag' ....labeled...'10-10-10', no mo' stoppin' us now..
Of course, William and his intellectual smart gang, did not have to listen to some grass roots people, who repeatedly said that unless you have, the grass root St. Martin people's support, you will NEVER get the status so much coveted by you and of course by 'Sarah' and her followers as well.
Even if the Dutch would not have decided to place 'Country' St. Maarten under Higher Supervision, come '10-10-10', on ground-zero, where real grass roots people live, it will never work.
There will NEVER be any such thing as 'Country' St. Maarten, if that 'country' is not St. Martin to its very core and where St. Martiners come first !.
Hopefully come '10-10-10' at least you will have full autonomy over we own 'domino-club'.
At least we will have something to show for having deceived and manipulated the people for over so many years.
Wondering who it is, writing so boldly ?
Guess no more.
Yes, it is me, the same messenger......again.

Leopold JAMES,
And still....
Proud, native-indigenous St. Martiner without any apologies or compromise

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