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Only the people of a country can make it successful. Government has its obligations and duties, but it is the individual citizens that control the success. Read the Constitution and educate yourself as to what government is expected and obligated to do and then look at how far we have strayed, from the original intent. StMaarten was, still is, and has always been country of hand out. The general electorate in StMaarten believes and thinks it is the government obligation to feed them and take care of them. This manner of thinking from a handout mentality creates poverty by choice and alleviates personal responsibility which should be practice by all citizens. Handout mentality foster a careless life style because people is of the opinion no matter how I fail in life it is the government responsibility to take care of me. That is totally wrong and immoral. In the previous constitution before it was amended, it was said that government was to provide housing to all citizens which is an entitlement. Entitlement is the fact of having a right to something. This is in reality not possible; the burden to have a house is the responsibility of the individual. In our new constriction it is amended as Article 21

“2. The provision of adequate residential accommodation shall be a matter of constant concern for the government.” I do not see where it is said an entitlement, this part of the constitution is revise better. In my opinion it is wrong to tell people that government is responsible for their life, and then they will never practice personal responsibility. This kind of mentality creates handout and devalue the meaning and worth and self value of life. Government is to provide opportunity to give a better chance of enhancing your quality of life. Education I agree should be an entitlement but not housing. We are and will continue to fool ourselves asking government to do something which we know is impossible to do and is wrong to spoil or baby sit people. It is the government task in trying to make people more self reliant. Unfortunately in StMaarten we make people more dependants when we buy their vote, give them free money when they are unemployed. Government instead should be giving them food and clothes coupons to attain these necessities from specific groceries and clothing stores. We must always keep the pressure on people to try to provide for themselves, a social benefit is to help but never a way of life. People and the electorate of StMaarten have to understand we get the government we deserve when we accept lies and false promises from politicians we know for a fact that they cannot accomplish. Governments continue to deceive people when those that know better does not challenge and expose deceitfulness of government in power. We put political interest before love of country and therefore we become weak as a country and that foster personal interest which in most case become destructive to the vital interest of the country. The problem in StMaarten is the people. People are quick to go and fight for freeness and handout, but never willing to stand and speak out for what is of importance for the country in general. Until we stop the handout mentality only then StMaarten can foster a chance of a self reliant country.

Kevin James

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