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‘Humbly thyself, before it is too late...'

Dear Mr. HAAR,

On Saturday, morning May 16, 2009 around 11.00 a.m. I received a telephone call from a young person (gender irrelevant here).
This person was clearly extremely upset about the fact that you had physically abused a lady and showed absolute no remorse, contrition etc.
In a very appealing manner this young person, who I do not know at all, urged me to write you a letter, which is why I now address you.
For the record, whatever is said about my person I, Leopold JAMES do not condone, will not support anyone, who wants to place this issue in a racial context, because it can only result in making the issue and its resolution even more complex.
So, whatever some of your friends at SXM- Private-Eye may want to make belief, this is my position.
Having said that Mr. HAAR, based on the deep sentiments that have become very intense within our community at large, and especially among young people, pertaining to this case, I advise you not to add ‘fuel to the fire' by pressing charges against Mrs. BROWN for ‘trespassing' your office.
In addition, I have very good reasons to believe it to be in your best interest to at the very least, apologize to Mrs. BROWN for having abused her physically.
Any real man should not be find that so difficult.
For the record.
It appears that there is a group of young people out there, who do not plan to accept this situation ‘as is' and therefore do not at all rule out ‘taking matters in their own hands' if you do not resign.
This is the very clear message that was relayed to me by the caller.
Again, although you might want to take it out on me as the messenger, this is the ‘gospel truth' and reason why, out of deep concern, I publicly advise you, in order to prevent this situation form escalating, to at least make a public apology.
In ending, if this episode is not properly addressed, the community can rest assured that it will continue to ‘fester' until such time when it will ‘explode' out in the open.
And with this advice, Mr. HAAR, I rest my case.

Leopold JAMES


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