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How long shall we be pushed aside by our leaders? How long shall we wait to become number one in our country? It seems as if the years go by, the leaders change, the status change and yet we are confronted day by day by the same old eternal problems. NO SAINT MARTINER IS COMPETENT ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF SAINT MARTIN BUSINESS! We all know that Rome was not built in one day, but how many days do we need to build our nation! I, who have worked for many years with the actual and past President of the COM can't understand what is happening to their vision that WE worked together on . As everyone knows, The United Saint Martin Movement was the team that put Mr Fleming and also Mr Gumbs in the starlight allowing them to reach where they are today! I am asking both of you today what has changed with your "Saint Martiners first" conviction?
For the past 18 months that the collectivity has been in effect, the population is wondering where we are heading. We are seeing more and more individuals from abroad taking up the high positions in the administration of the collectivity? Why? Are they more competent than all the employees that were occupying those same positions for years? Why weren't they given the chance to go on an intensive training course for 3 or 6 months? Why is it that coincidentally all the Regional Council former employees end up in Saint Martin? Then we are hearing through the grape wines that jobs must be given to their families also!!! Do you think that we really need to put up with all this crap : first their salary is over 3000 euros, then housing, plus vehicle and much more....not forgetting their master-slave behavior when they get at ease with the "champagne and party system"!
When is all this nonsense going to stop? I would like to say to our leaders: leave your pretty cars and take a walk through the community then you will know how the people are suffering! It seems as if only a few shall survive and the mass shall perish! The youth is crying out, No one listens! The middle age man is losing his job, the economy is chaotic! Businesses are switching over the border!
How long will this go on? Don't you realize the more you employ "little chiefs", the more confusion you create, the more frustration you bring unto your employees! An army only needs one Colonel! I can't understand why with a council of 23 paid councilors, efficient task forces cannot be put together to work for the betterment of this lil country Saint Martin .
Our past President, M. Senator, has forgotten Saint Martin! I can recall an interview on La Voix FM where he was bragging about how much competence he discovered in the Commune workers! Where did that competence disappear suddenly?
This deplorable situation brings me to think that our leaders are trying to hide their incompetence and lack of leadership behind these people that they are employing. If these individuals were so competent where ever they hail from, why are they coming to Saint Martin ? They would have been bosses in their own country!!!
President Gumbs, you know the vision that got us, as the "USM" team, to be elected with 3 400 votes in 2001! Although in opposition, we were the voice of the people! You know how insistent we were in the past municipal administration about saint -martiners taking charge of their destiny! Please, tell us what has happened to that vision? Many of us know the answer but we need you to say it loud and clear!



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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x