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Rotaract Sunrise cleans around the Fresh Water Pond.

rotaractsxmsunrisecleansaroundfreshwaterpond21042013Zagersgut:--- In celebration of World Earth Day, the Rotaract Club of St. Marten Sunrise conducted a cleanup around the Fresh Water Pond in Zagersgut on Saturday 20th April 2013. The cleanup started at 6:00am and ending at 8:00am with over 30 garbage bags filled with trash lying around the shores of the fresh water pond collected. World Earth Day is April 22nd 2013 and this initiative was done through the advice and recommendation of the St. Maarten Pride Foundation who encouraged Rotaractors we pay close attention to the ponds around the island and not just the beaches.

After visiting the Fresh Water Pond prior to the cleanup, members of Rotaract Sunrise were astonished by the amount of garbage that has been washed ashore. Trash such as, bottles, shopping carts, steering wheels, food containers, household fans and car tire caps were among the rubbish collected at Saturday's cleanup. Rotaract Sunrise would like to remind everyone that Earth Day was created to remind us that we all share the same planet. Sharing Earth means taking responsibility for what we use and how we use it. It is a day to think of the environmental challenges we face and how to solve them. President of Rotaract Sunrise Elisia Lake stated that "people have to become more aware of the role that the environment plays in helping sustain life in this fragile world of ours and that we need to take an active role in protecting the Earth and not polluting it".

The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise urges the citizens of St. Maarten to celebrate Earth Day and conserve natural resources for future use. Earth supports life, and we should be happy about it. In addition, the members of Rotaract would like to encourage the general public to dispose their garbage in the right way and to make use of the various garbage bins that are placed around the island because protecting Earth is every person's and every country's responsibility.

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