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Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise and community volunteers painted the Martin Luther King Jr. School.

repaintedmlkjrschool22042013Dutch Quarter:--- On Saturday April 20, 2013, The Rotary club of St. Martin Sunrise with a team of over a hundred and fifteen (115) volunteers from different groups from St. Maarten and Anguilla came together in Dutch Quarter to give the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School a much needed facelift, which consisted of the painting of all buildings located on the premises.
The volunteers who assisted the members of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise with the execution of the painting of the entire school included: the Rotary Club of Anguilla, UTS, AUC School of Medicine, the Youth Parliamentarians, the Interactors from St. Dominic High, Learning Unlimited, and St. Maarten Academy Academic schools, the members and parents of the P.T.A of the school, and some teachers of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School. The painting which started at 7:30am on Saturday ended approximately 3pm in the afternoon.
Since 2012, the club has completed various projects at the school in collaboration with our main sponsor UTS, including the cleanup and beautification of the premises, donation of 300 school bags at the beginning of the school and the community center nearby, and initiating a breakfast program where students are served breakfast every morning.
A similar project was done with the Rotary Club of Anguilla and the Interact Club of Anguilla, where the Sunrise Rotary Club travelled to Anguilla in August 2012 to assist in the painting of the Valley Primary School and the Buffong Dental Clinic.
The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise would like to thank the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Ms. Silveria Jacobs for her presence and all volunteers who came out to donate their time, A & A Supply, and the professional painter Mr. Brown, who oversaw the painting.
Our club is committed in improving the lives of our children in the community and would like to do similar projects at other schools on the island. Businesses interested in becoming a sponsor or to make a donation can contact our President Marcellia Henry at # 553.1912 or Secretary Angela Gordon at # 520.0432.
The club meets at Air Lekkerbek Restaurant every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast. For more information on the club visit us at or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., we are also on Facebook: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise.

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