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SCDF meets with Police Department.

scdfmeetswithpolicedepartment27032012Philipsburg:--- On Monday March 26th, representatives from the Sint Maarten Carnival Development Foundation met with representatives of the Police Department in connection with the upcoming Carnival Season for 2012. During this meeting, both organizations agreed that the working relation and cooperation between the organizations is continuously

Issues such as the experience of this years "Unity Jump Up" and routes for the "Fete to Fitness" and "Opening Jump-up", the 0-tolerance policy that the police will maintain during the carnival season, the rerouting of traffic during the parades and the inspection of vehicles taking part in the parades were discussed.
The meeting was a very informative meeting and both organizations intend to meet again prior to the opening of the Carnival Season.

The SCDF was represented by Steward Johnson (President), Micheal Granger (Secretary), Erno Labega (Advisor/Treasurer) and Eduardo Radjouki (Boardmember)

The Police Department was represented by Commissioner Carl John, Inspectors Benjamin Gout, Rudolph Bloeiman, Ricardo Henson and Majors Giovanni Sprott and Sharlon Cathalina.

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