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Load Shedding July 18, 2009.

CAY BAY–DG#12 malfunctioned resulting in load shedding. The maintenance crew will be taking the engine offline to do a complete inspection of the generator on Sunday, July 19, 2009. Although the electricity demand is significantly lower on Sunday, some load shedding may result from this.

The load shedding schedule for Saturday, July 18, 2009 will affect the following areas:

From 14:00 - 16:00: Pelican area, Madame Estate, Suckergarden, Guana Bay, A.T. Illidge Road

From 16:00 - 18:00: St. John Estate, Retreat Estate, St. Peters, South Reward, Betty Estate, Ebenezer Estate, Cay Bay, Billy Folly, Cole Bay Lagoon

Please note that the load shedding schedule is an indication and is subject to change based on demand in the various areas, supply from the power plant and other influencing factors. GEBE apologizes for the inconvenience and will try to restore power to the affected areas as soon as possible.

Updates will be given to the general public and the media as soon as the information becomes available.

Here are some tips to prepare for an electricity outage:

• Unplug any sensitive electronics to avoid damage.

• Turn off all lights and electrical equipment. Leave on only one light or radio to alert you when the power has been restored.

• Try to minimize the time your fridge and freezer are open to keep the cool air in.

Gather any flashlights and check spare batteries.

• Be careful if you decide to use candles. Do not leave them unattended.

• Prepare by equipping your house with automatic power failure safety lighting so that it does not go dark when the power goes out. That gives you time to locate your flashlights and other items.

Read some more tips on How To Make A Power Outage Bearable.



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