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stuartccPhilipsburg: ---St Maarten Toastmasters continue to excel in their communication and leadership skills yet another member has achieved a title. Stuart Johnson, one of the newest members of the Club has completed the basic Communication manual to attain the Competent Communicator award. The basic communication manual develops Toastmasters presentation skills in areas such as Vocal variety, body language, organizing of speech, use of visual aids and persuading and inspiring your audience.

With this achievement, Stuart Johnson is well on his way to excelling in his communication and leadership skills. Johnson was also appointed to the Area Council Board as Secretary by Area Governor Valerie Brazier.

Club President Donna Morrison commended CC Stuart Johnson for his commitment in achieving his goal by attending meetings and presenting speech projects at all clubs on the island. Valerie Brazier who was President during the last period was instrumental in inspiring Johnson to attain the Competent Communicator award in record time, also congratulated him on his accomplishment.



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