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No Major Load Shedding Expected on Wednesday.

CAY BAY— Tomorrow Wednesday October 21 no major load shedding is expected. At 17.30 on Tuesday, the Power Plant was able to phase out the load shedding. The last area to be brought back online was Pelican.

The power plant is running at a very tight capacity and any breakdowns can lead to some form of load shedding. This critical situation is expected to continue until the two new 11.3 MW generators are up and running sometime in December.

DG#12 is still out of commission; final repairs and assembly is expected to continue throughout Wednesday. If all goes according to plan, it should be available on Thursday morning running at its full output of 8 MW.

GEBE technicians managed to get DG#7 running but only at 60% of its capacity. This engine, which was severely damaged by a fire last year, is still giving some problems. Tests show that there are still some unresolved wiring issues. The technicians worked until late Tuesday night troubleshooting the engine with modest success.

Test runs will be resumed on Wednesday morning and will continue until the engine can run at full capacity without any problems.

GEBE apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

Updates will continue to be posted on to ensure clients have the most accurate and up to date information so they can plan around the load shedding to minimize the inconvenience.



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