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caybay07102009Philipsburg:---After one month and six district contact meetings, the National Alliance, as a government is in step with realizing the wishes of the Saint Martin. The National Alliance’s manifesto clearly states its principle of inclusion and accountability to the people of Saint Martin. National Alliance, through its leader, William Marlin is steadfast in its dedicated efforts to achieve, without further delay, the formal framework of country Saint Martin.

This vision of becoming Country Saint Martin was conceived and maintained by the SPM/SPA and now being realized by the National Alliance party. The National Alliance leader, who was at the cradle of that vision, has persevered even in the teeth of the DP obstructionist desperate efforts to derail the constitutional train with distortions, double talk and false claims. William Marlin, as leader of the delegation to Curacao, has again set another milestone by negotiating a date for the establishment of the constitutional framework for Country Saint Martin - Saint Martin will become country within the realm of the Netherlands on October 10, 2010. The central government, at the request of constitutional commissioner William Marlin, earlier agreed to support a fortification trajectory to enable the transfer of central government tasks at the latest per January 1, 2010 to Saint Martin. This transfer of central government tasks to the islands of Curacao and Saint Martin will begin in October 2009.

It is was truly amazing to see that a week previous to the 10-10-10 announcement for Country Saint Martin, primarily the youth of the Cay Bay district were impressively vocal and committed to reclaiming their district, based on the values and morals of their heritage. A very well representative group in the Cay Bay district expressed concerns about the rumors they heard of the commercial/industrial development to take place in their district; and the disregard for the air and noise pollution in this district. They felt that Cay Bay was treated like a bastard child by the previous administration; and statements, such as "we are sick and tired of the neglect", "we are frustrated by all these years,” were made and their expectations ran high for redress by the National Alliance.

Commissioner Frans Richardson spoke frankly to the young people in Cay Bay and explained that the National Alliance looks forward to sitting with their youth district committee whose proposals will be taken into serious consideration in the development plans for the Cay Bay/Cole Bay district. It is the people, who live in their district who ought to determine how their district should be developed and together, we must move forward, the Commissioner said. He, also, touched on the high costs of basic food items and utilities, noting that: “The National Alliance government is committed to reducing the economic burdens of Saint Martiners, particularly the elderly and poor. We are busy putting together a team to explore effective possibilities to bring relief to our people.”

In the St. Peters contact meeting, Senator George Pantophlet addressed the issues brought forward again by the youth. Senator Pantophlet stated that, “The National Alliance government recognizes that youth is our most valuable resource and will ensure that our youth play their rightful role in our national development as country. Specific programs were highlighted geared towards the development of our youth to harness their full potential; creating facilities for problematic youth and reducing the incidence of crime, violence and delinquency; and to equip the youth with the necessary skills, training and resources to fully exploit employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Coming in the wake of the 10-10-10- announcement,, there was a rousing applause and dialogue in St. Peters when Commissioner, William Marlin took the floor and shared with us the roll of the National Alliance has played in the Constitutional process. The leader, being his usual self, honestly and quite frankly, encouraged the district members to be proud of St. Martin and make their contribution. We all have to roll up our sleeves and work. It is not up to the elected officials alone to realize all that still has to be done. He noted how some were calling their people out on last Friday night to hear, ‘Who really brought us country status?’ and ‘Why Theo left?’, “but the National Alliance must set the record straight.”

stpeters07102009Whereas, the National Alliance government has within the short span of four months, realized crucial agreements and legislation, (a fortification trajectory to enable the transfer of central government tasks at the latest per January 1, 2010 to Saint Martin. It is of paramount importance that everyone who truly has this island’s well-being at heart, move forward together. It means every person, the voter, and the non-voter. The momentum of these district meetings is intensifying as people are becoming more critical of the falsehood being spouted by the DP, not for the love of Saint Martin, but to undermine and obstruct serious and committed efforts for our people.

The congress committee is now inviting all district leaders to a very important meeting on Wednesday October 14, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. with our leader, Commissioner William Marlin. We also ask all District Councils to start submitting names to the Congress Committee for nomination into the party organization ahead of our upcoming Congress, November 15, 2009 at the Dutch Quarter Community Center. All voting will take place at the Congress in accordance with National Alliance Constitution.



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