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Quarantine are being violated even by Employers.

omarottley14062021PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Health Omar Ottley announced on Wednesday at the weekly press briefing that persons that were tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) and were placed in quarantine have not been respecting their quarantine time.
The Minister said some of these persons returned to work prior to the 14 days while they mix and mingle with other people. This he said has contributed to the spread of the virus and even caused deaths.
Ottley further explained that even employers are calling CPS and saying they cannot afford to keep an employee off the job for 14 days.
“There are employers that are calling their workers that are on quarantine out to work. They have been calling CPS. All of these are reports presented to me by CPS.” Ottley said this is unacceptable because they can be considered accomplices to murder because they might survive but the person they infect may not, he made clear that staying home can save a life.
The Minister of Health said that there have been 3888 confirmed cases on St. Maarten, 57 of these persons are now deceased, 12 of those persons died in the month of August while 4 died in the month of September.

Ottley said that the next pop-up is scheduled for September 11th at the Vineyard Parking lot. He has issued a call to all persons including the anti-vaxers to attend since there will be persons that can share as much information with them about the vaccines. The Minister said there is no more time for fighting and arguing, this is the time for everyone to communicate since the goal is to save St. Maarten and its people.

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